Welcome to our blog and troop information site. I hope you find this very useful and a wonderful way to stay connected. Feel free to let the girls click through the site and learn more about being a Brownie via the various pages.
I am so excited to work with all the wonderful girls of our troop. Our first meeting was fantastic and each one of them participated, sharing a bit about themselves. Over the next weeks we will see greater bonds form and new friends made.
Their first big item to accomplish is to work on getting to know the
Girl Scout Promise. We will say it before each and every meeting - they will eventually know it very well. We also talked in depth about the Girl Scout Law and what it means to be a Girl Scout. We have some very insightful and wise girls! Take a moment to read the Girl Scout Law because it defines how we do everything. I believe all of the girls already live by those traits.
My promise to all parents and girls is to keep this site up-to-date and full of pertinent information. If you miss a meeting you do not have to worry about being left in the dark as all information will be posted. By using this site I will be able to share important information without clogging your inbox. However, you may choose to sign up to the right of the site to have post announcements delivered via email. *Please note - inclement weather announcements will also be made here.
I look forward to working the three keys to Girl Scouts with all of you.
Discover, Connect, Take Action.