Monday, February 27, 2012

Investiture Service - Tuesday, February 28th

You are cordially invited to the 
service of Troop 2348

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012
5:15pm to 6:15pm
First Presbyterian Church Chapel (Main Building)

A special treat will be served after the ceremony.

*Please make sure your Brownie is on time for this very special ceremony.

Our Journey Has Started!

What a wonderful Valentine's Day! Spending time with the girls made my day so special. Thank you for sharing them with me.
We had a wonderful meeting learning more about why we are called Brownies, and jumping right into our Journey. If you get the chance to ask - have your daughter to tell you the story of the Brownies and how we came to be named Brownies. We will pull elements of the story into our very special Investiture ceremony on the 28th.
I introduced the Brownie Quest Journey to the girls and let them know we are looking for 3 keys in the Journey. The keys are designed to develop the leader within, and to understand how they can impact the world around them. We began looking at the individual - How are we alike? How are we different? Everyone participated and gave great input on all levels. It was really fun and they had no idea they were actually working.
I asked each girl to spend the next couple of weeks looking at their family. What particular element of the Girl Scout Law do you as a family exhibit the most? What qualities do the other members of your family have that go along with the law.
When we get back together in our regular setting on March 13th, we will discuss more about our families. We will talk about the ways our families live the various parts of the Law. In addition, we will talk about the Global Girl Scout family and Brownies around the world.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Our Plan of Action

I have learned so much over the past months about Girl Scouts and the new path that has been taken to give girls tools to be all they want to be.
I was raised on Girl Scouts with basic badges and awards. At first it was daunting for me to learn the new curriculum.The same principles are there, but with new and improved ways to get girls thinking and acting.
We have so many incredible things before us for our years together and I am excited to see what comes of the mostly girl-led process. I want to clue you in on the things I have learned. With each Journey, Brownies earn a set of completion badges that relate to that experience. There are also additional skill building badges that go along with each Journey.
As a troop we will have three different Journeys to experience. Our first Journey has been chosen and is explained on the Journeys, Projects and Badges page. You may find your Brownie asking questions about your family and getting you involved as she works to learn more about herself. Each activity we do with the Journey builds into the next one as the quest to earn the "Three Keys" begins.

*I am going to go at a snail's pace with this first Journey so the girls have the best outcome and truly love what they are doing. I've patterned my Girl Scout leader philosophy after the leaders I've come to know and admire. We will enjoy the impactful, yet laid-back style.

Brownie Girl Scout Goodies

I am more and more excited about our troop each day. Something always happens that makes me think of the girls and what a wonderful time we have before us.
The other day Miss Mary and I made a trip to the Girl Scout store to get materials and items for the girls. It was as if we walked into a candy store. Elaine at the council is incredibly helpful if you need assistance with vest selection etc...You will receive your troop numbers on Tuesday and the pins at the Investiture ceremony on February 28th. You may be tempted to purchase extra special items for your girls - jewelry, t-shirts, charms. I will caution you to make sure items are not those meant to be awarded to girls after they have achieved a milestone. Miss Mary was ready to buy the store and had to be stopped!
I finally found my oldest daughter's Brownie vest and wanted to show you the back of the vest. The back is reserved for special activity patches. Girl Scouts love to show off various activites this way - our girls will be no different! I have already made a list of activities and patches we will be able to apply to the back of the vest throughout the year(s).
If you have any questions about the vest etc...I will have ours on Tuesday, February 14th.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Welcome Troop 2348!

Welcome to our blog and troop information site. I hope you find this very useful and a wonderful way to stay connected. Feel free to let the girls click through the site and learn more about being a Brownie via the various pages.
I am so excited to work with all the wonderful girls of our troop. Our first meeting was fantastic and each one of them participated, sharing a bit about themselves. Over the next weeks we will see greater bonds form and new friends made.
Their first big item to accomplish is to work on getting to know the Girl Scout Promise. We will say it before each and every meeting - they will eventually know it very well. We also talked in depth about the Girl Scout Law and what it means to be a Girl Scout. We have some very insightful and wise girls! Take a moment to read the Girl Scout Law because it defines how we do everything. I believe all of the girls already live by those traits.
My promise to all parents and girls is to keep this site up-to-date and full of pertinent information. If you miss a meeting you do not have to worry about being left in the dark as all information will be posted. By using this site I will be able to share important information without clogging your inbox. However, you may choose to sign up to the right of the site to have post announcements delivered via email. *Please note - inclement weather announcements will also be made here.
I look forward to working the three keys to Girl Scouts with all of you. Discover, Connect, Take Action.