Sunday, March 25, 2012

Discover Key

The Discover Key! It's all about me: What I believe and my family.

Congratulations to our girls! They have earned their very first badge in Brownies. We earned the Discover Key which is part of the Brownie Quest Journey set. We have two more keys before we can unlock the Journey and get all the patches.
Each key is a mystery of sorts to solve. We discovered traits about ourselves, we discovered ways we are alike and celebrated differences, and we discovered ways our families valued the Girl Scout Law. Last week each girl discussed the line of the Law that means the most in their family and why. The girls also talked about things that each member of their family does well. All of their answers were meaningful and well-developed. We even shared a few laughs.
I began talking to them about the concept of a mosaic - how when you are right up on it you see the little pieces, and when you back away you can see the entire picture. Our next step is to explore how the circles of our lives grow outward and how we connect on a much larger level. They will begin talking about ways to care for one another as well as other people as we begin to look at the big picture.
On Tuesday we are going to begin making our "Brownie Team Agreement" which is essentially a contract regarding the ways we work together. They will also bring something home with them to work on for our April meeting that begins their caring for others commitment.
Our girls are working so very hard, and they do not even realize it. One thing that is awesome about Brownies is that leadership is being born through fun activities and what may seem like games. Everything we do has a much greater purpose and works to develop strong, girls with a deeper understanding of the world around them.

Housekeeping Items

There are a few housekeeping items I'd like to talk about briefly:

  1. We all know sickness is an issue with school aged kids and I am very grateful that you keep your child out if she is ill. In the event your daughter cannot come to Brownies you can always call me or email me about what she may have missed. The tasks we work on together can also be done at home. I try to keep the site up-to-date and you well informed about what we have done.We are moving much quicker with the Journey than I anticipated! Remember - this is girl driven and they are working extremely hard and tackling the Journey well.
  2. As a parent I know all to well how pushed we can be with our schedules. I would just like to offer a friendly reminder about how important it is to have your child at the meetings on-time. We cover a great many things in the beginning that have to be repeated over and over if girls stream in late. I do not want anyone to miss anything by having to get the condensed version. If you can help with this we would all be appreciative.
  3. Lastly, please remember the schedule of meetings is on this site. One of the great benefits about having a place on the web dedicated to our troop is that you can refer to it any time. If it helps - print the schedule so there is no confusion. If there is ever anything dire you need to know right away, you will receive a phone call from me or Mrs. Mary. If you have not done so - sign up to have these post delivered to your inbox (sign up found on the right of the page) so that you know when a new item has been posted.
Thank you so much for your help. I say this all the time, but will say it again - I am grateful to have this time with your girls. They are full of life and so much fun.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Girl Scouts! - Meeting Reminder

Happy 100th birthday to Girl Scouts! Today is the official birthday and Girl Scouts of all ages have been proud to celebrate this milestone. We will celebrate as a troop tomorrow!

Don't forget to wear your Brownie Vest!

Tomorrow we will be in our regular meeting room and will continue our work on the Brownie Quest Journey. Last regular meeting we ELF'd (Explore, Link Arms, Fly into Action) our way into discovering our special talents and qualities.

Reminder - Our Brownies were to look at the Girl Scout Law and talk to her family about the different parts of the law. Tomorrow the Brownies will need to know what line from the Law is most important in her family and WHY? We will be discussing families and making a 'Family Star.'

We will see you at 5:15 3/13!